September 2024: ABC7 Localish by Silvio Carrillo
On a small three-acre plot of land in West Sonoma County, Leslie Wiser, is connecting her ancestral Taiwanese family food traditions to her present-day life as a mother and farmer who grew up with scant details of her heritage.
December 26, 2023: WHYNOT’s The Melting Wok: Chinese Food's American Dream Ep2 | I Am What I Eat
Join WHYNOT and food writer Tzu-i Chuang Mullinax on a journey to learn how generations of Chinese have carved out a sense of identity in food amid the cultural melting pot of America, savoring a history that is both bitter and sweet. From a farm that grows Chinese vegetables in California, to a restaurant that painstakingly creates traditional Taiwanese dishes, to a man who has documented over 8,000 Chinese restaurants across the country, the people behind this process share how they have dedicated themselves to both preserving and creating Chinese culture.
November 2024: EATER FEAST Advertisement for Lexus
This video has some beautiful cinematography that showcases Oma’s bittermelon hoophouse, our sichuan peppercorns, and certified organic Er Jing Tiao Chinese chili peppers.
May 6, 2022, Northern California Public Media: At Radical Family Farms in Sebastopol, Leslie Wiser grows a wide variety of crops – including mixed Asian heritage vegetables and herbs as a way to connect to her Chinese and Taiwanese roots. Growing different Asian crops helps to bring her children closer to their heritage and family history as well. Leslie is passionate about growing nutritious, local produce for families and seniors in need.
November 2021, Sonoma County Tourism: Meet Sonoma County Farmer, Leslie Wiser, owner and operator of Radical Family Farms.
January 2020, Huffington Post: Leslie Wiser founded Radical Family Farms to explore her own biracial identity. What she didn’t expect was that the farm would become a pillar of community for other Asian Americans who had a similar longing in their lives.