CSA 2020 Dragons Week 7

  1. Perilla / kkaennip / sesame leaf 紫蘇

  2. Opal Basil 紫羅勒

  3. A菜/Wosun 萵筍 Celtuce (peel the skin of the stalk and stirfry or eat raw. The tops are prized as well and can be stirfried)

  4. Chrysanthemum greens 茼蒿菜

  5. Chinese cauliflower 花椰菜

  6. Long beans 長豆

  7. Chinese Celery 芹菜

  8. Scallion 蔥

  9. Bok Choy 青江菜 (nai pai tsai (white stem) or shanghai (green stem)

  10. Korean Avocado Squash 夏南瓜
    (Mix: AEHobak, Italian and Yellow Squash from Coyote Family Farm and GSM Organics)

  11. Cucumber 黃瓜 / Old Cucumber 老黃瓜: Chinese Suyo Long, Taiwanese Long, Korean Joseon

  12. Tomatoes 番茄: Sungold, Berkeley Tie Die, New Girls, Green Zebra

  13. Okra 秋葵

  14. Stir Fry / Soup Greens Mix 宗合炒時蔬 : Red Mizuna, Chinese Mustard, Bok Choy

  15. Rainbow Carrots 胡蘿蔔

  16. Mustard: Green Mizuna, Chinese Mustard 芥菜, Purple Komatsuna

  17. Red Russian Kale 紅羽衣甘藍

  18. Red Shiso 紅紫蘇 or Green Shiso
