CSA 2020 Week 4

  1. Korean Mu Radish

  2. Qin Cai / Chinese Celery (white stemmed)

  3. Opal Basil

  4. Thai Basil

  5. Red Beets

  6. Taiwanese Sweet Cabbage (Supposed to be flat but this variety ended up cone-shaped. This is generally very tender and sweet to be eaten raw, but this succession has had some issues with the seasonal transition)

  7. Xian Cà/Yin Choy/Leafy Amaranth/Chinese Spinach

  8. Red Russian Kale

  9. German Forellenschluss Freckle Lettuce

  10. Rainbow Carrots - Baby

  11. Hakurei Turnips

  12. Stir Fry / Soup Greens Mix - (Mizuna, Korean Wild Mustard and Tatsoi)

Farmer's Choice:

  1. Purple Shiso - OR - Vietnamese Perilla – Tiá Tô

  2. Summer Squash: Korean Teot Bat Put (Avocado Squash) - OR - Korean Meot Jaeng I Ae - OR- Costata Romanesco Zucchini -OR- Yellow Squash

  3. Cucumbers: Chinese Suyo Long -OR- Taiwanese Long -OR- Korean Joseon Shorty