CSA 2020 Week 7 - BUNNIES

  1. Taiwanese Bok Choy / Tokyo Bekana 小白菜

  2. Kkaennip / Perilla / Sesame Leaf 紫蘇 kkaennip 깻잎

  3. Bok Choy 白菜 / 青江菜

  4. Opal Basil 九層塔

  5. Farmers Choice: Water Spinach 空心菜 -or- Gai Lan

  6. Korean Wrapping Lettuce (sangchu) 상추/生菜 -or- German Forellenschluss Speckled Lettuce

  7. Napa Cabbage 大白菜

  8. Bitter Melon 苦瓜 (Mix of Taiwanese, Okinawan, Japanese, Chinese and Thai/Indian)

  9. Farmers Choice: Chrysanthemum / Tong Hao 茼蒿菜 -or- Lacinato Kale

  10. Tomato 番茄 (Mix of Sungolds, Taiwanese Minis, Brandywine, New Girls, Green Zebra, Berkeley Tie Die)

  11. Farmer's Choice: Taiwanese Ping Tung Long Eggplant 屏東長茄 -OR- Thai Eggplants -OR- Yard Long Beans -OR- Okra 秋葵 -OR- Roselle Flowers with Sour Leaf

  12. Farmers Choice: Cucumber 黃瓜 (Mix of Chinese Suyo Long, Taiwanese Long, Korean) -OR- Summer squash 夏南瓜  (Mix of Zucchini and Yellow Summer Squash)

  13. Shishito Peppers 獅子唐 / 꽈리고추